Tournament UPL XI: Commencement Thread

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destined for greatness
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This tournament has been the worst tournament for me I've ever played here on smogon, I've never felt this frustrated playing mons. It made all my other tournament matches worse to play because I was tilted and it made me angry in real life.

A combination of terrible team choices, facing stall every week, hard to deal people in the community (for some reason Ubers has the worst playerbase I've seen, it's full of people talking shit about others non-stop), wanting to win for my manager and prove myself in a new meta and as a teammate made this a bad experience to me. Losing 3 out of 5 games while making no real missplay in-game sucks even more. In fact, my biggest missplay was vs London Beats, in a game which I won. Maybe some people on my team disagree, but I'm self conscious enough about my gameplay to stand my point.

Shoutouts to 64 squares/dream for being super try-hards (like myself) and helping with dpp. Also shrang (main inspiration/watched all of his replays/never used low-skill ceiling type of teams).
skill issue. team issue.

i've had some rough tournaments, i've never won a single ubers teamtour despite competing in many of them, but i can say for sure my experience with the mukkers has truly been one of the best i've ever had so far, i'd love to win the tour in the end but even if we dont i will always keep a good memory of this upl. shoutouts March Fires and Master Chief for retaining me you two are goats fr. also fuck Reje

here are some reasons why mukkers are goated (i will keep it PG for the sake of not getting anyone banned):



Le vilain petit Wooloo
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My time to make a post about this UPL. I must thank the host for letting me the occasion to be manager. Unfortunately, I couldn't really make anything good on this one, except good auctions. I feel very sorry for my team, it appears I got burn up at the worst timing. Nonetheless, I'll thank Mr.378 for the occasion of managing a team, and all Dialgas for your involvement. We didn't win this time, but it was some close loss each weeks. You're all are great players, and I'm confident in your wins in the future. Will I come back next year for managing? Maybe. I hope so, but not if I'm in this same state of mind and if I can't help my team, like I was this UPL.

Good luck to the remaining teams, rooting for my friends Inder and GeniusFromHoenn :psyglad:
This tournament has been the worst tournament for me I've ever played here on smogon, I've never felt this frustrated playing mons. It made all my other tournament matches worse to play because I was tilted and it made me angry in real life.

A combination of terrible team choices, facing stall every week, hard to deal people in the community (for some reason Ubers has the worst playerbase I've seen, it's full of people talking shit about others non-stop), wanting to win for my manager and prove myself in a new meta and as a teammate made this a bad experience to me. Losing 3 out of 5 games while making no real missplay in-game sucks even more. In fact, my biggest missplay was vs London Beats, in a game which I won. Maybe some people on my team disagree, but I'm self conscious enough about my gameplay to stand my point.

Shoutouts to 64 squares/dream for being super try-hards (like myself) and helping with dpp. Also shrang (main inspiration/watched all of his replays/never used low-skill ceiling type of teams).
I don't blame you for sharing your personal experience of this tour and feeling the need to vent out a little; however, dragging down the community is not OK, because we all have had bad tours (man I sure do know this more than absolute anyone) and I know when this happens it's normal to look for someone to blame, but the truth is that everything starts with our mindset. If you let this game affects you emotionally or you give too much importance to people's opinion any kind of bad luck/bad matchup will make it hard for you to enjoy it.

Don't let one bad experience close you off from having a cool one in the future. As situm post states, even though he hasn't won a team tour yet, he is having fun cause he choose to hang out with the right people.


Anyways - so then I cursed her.
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This tournament has been the worst tournament for me I've ever played here on smogon, I've never felt this frustrated playing mons. It made all my other tournament matches worse to play because I was tilted and it made me angry in real life.

A combination of terrible team choices, facing stall every week, hard to deal people in the community (for some reason Ubers has the worst playerbase I've seen, it's full of people talking shit about others non-stop), wanting to win for my manager and prove myself in a new meta and as a teammate made this a bad experience to me. Losing 3 out of 5 games while making no real missplay in-game sucks even more. In fact, my biggest missplay was vs London Beats, in a game which I won. Maybe some people on my team disagree, but I'm self conscious enough about my gameplay to stand my point.

Shoutouts to 64 squares/dream for being super try-hards (like myself) and helping with dpp. Also shrang (main inspiration/watched all of his replays/never used low-skill ceiling type of teams).
Tough bro


aujourd'hui à
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this was a UPL season of all time.

i feel personally responsible for leading the defending champions and the most successful UPL team ever to their worst season since UPL II. think about it: nine years ago, smogon was still on IRC, i was still at high school and scraping pass marks in my maths exams, and taylor swift had just shocked the world with the vastly different yet hugely popular musical direction she had opted to take with her then-most recent release in 1989 when compared to the rest of her extant-at-the-time discography. as you can probably appreciate, all of that was a while ago.

i was incredibly out of my depth and probably shouldn't have even signed up to begin with. i didn't expect to get picked to manage, so when i did, i didn't really know what to do. i think that showed throughout the entire tour. i can barely play my favourite generation at a decent level, let alone any other ubers metagame, so you can imagine the support i was capable of giving my teammates. but even so, and even considering the fact i'm not available five days a week when most people are awake for timezone and work reasons, i could have done a lot more than i did. so i feel like a lot of this falls at my feet. i did learn some stuff in my first and... probably only run at managing in a teamtour, so there is that positive to take away from it.

regardless, thanks to everyone in the durians for the season and for still showing up and giving it your best shots, even when the feeling of doom was less of a feeling and more of a foregone conclusion. if you're planning on staying and signing up next year, i hope you finish higher than eighth under a more competent manager, and if you're not, i hope this didn't leave too much of a bad taste in your mouth.


Anyways - so then I cursed her.
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Leaderis a Programmeris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
Draft Leader
First UPL out the way and I went 1-4. If I were The Kyle I'd now insert an essay on why Ubers sucks and that this subforum should be sent to the shadow realm, but I'm not, so I'll write something more serious. I hadn't really touched Ubers this gen till HOME dropped, bar loading Floatzel Rain in Seasonal so I'm glad that I got nommed at all. I won't beat around the bush, we definitely didn't have a great season as a team but I did enjoy myself. SV's refreshing to build compared to SS (still prefer playing SS) and it's revived my otherwise dwindling spirit for mons. Tera's also grown on me as the season goes on but that's a discussion for another time.

Massive shoutout to TPP and Mashing, teaming with y'alls been a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed building teams that can only be explained as crack cocaine; Cam send me more otters and less Giga Impact Lando-Ts imo; Star pay off Zarel so that you stop getting lucked :(; Frrf same to you hun, Kate tysm for the H-Lilligant he's so pretty; Lasen we didn't talk much about prep but good vibes are good vibes; Thiago Nunes actual goat for being willing to sub into literally every tier under the sun; RealJester you're also funny, hope you fix your sleep schedule soon tho :(.

Also thanks to Aberforth, Frito, Fc and Edgar for helping me build throughout the season. I feel like I've learned a lot about building which hopefully I can carry on with me into the future. I'll prolly discuss this further in the team dump thread later because I'm still happy with some of the teams I built even if they didn't win.

EDIT: Fuck Vileman
well, this is it. unfortunately, our run has come to an end. this will likely be the last time i manage in upl, as each year i find more and more i just don't have the time or energy to play mons let alone captain a team. what a wild ride it has been though. we never managed to make it into playoffs but nevertheless i'm proud of what mukkers was and i look forward to seeing what happens next.

Terracotta the italian stallion. you've been here since the start, and have always been essential to any success we've experienced, particularly in the current gens and dpp. you are a real visionary in the team builder and there's no-one who does it quite like you. thank you for all you've done friend.

iry LOLOLOLOLOOOOO. i played more games of mons with you in the last 7 weeks than i have in the last 3 years, only for you to get rng'ed into the abyss and beyond. but such is life. you have a wonderful demeanour and although the records haven't reflected it, are very talented indeed. i'd drop 20k on you any day. best wishes to the fam.

Inspirited ah, wreck. the growth you've shown since i first drafted you has been awe-spiring to watch. the way you dissect and analyse games and your own gameplay is nothing short of inspirational. i'm glad others are now recognising just how good you are at what you do. take care.

SiTuM SITOAAAT. when we first drafted you last upl, i was very skeptical. now i wouldn't hesitate to .50 on you. you're genuinely one of the greatest to every do it, and also an absolute riot to hang out with. love u man, thanks for always carrying us. please eat some vegetables for god sake's LOL.

LucosDiCampos lucos, my oras soux chef. you're wicked fun, great to talk to about life, and i'm always grateful that you join us to hang out and help with my oras debauchery (although i didn't really hit the kitchen this time). maybe we will finally get to cross paths in person one day but in the meantime i hope life treats you well brother.

byulharang HOLY GOAT. i'm sad we couldn't nab you a cute custom, i swore i was gonna do it. you're a legend and one of my all time faves. thanks for helping glue this rag tag bunch of peeps together. i loved our chats and getting to know you more this year, and im always here for u ily.

Lasen one part of the doomed to fail quartet. i'm sorry that we could never get you the success you deserved. you are one of my oldest and greatest friends, and i am forever grateful for your presence and for bearing the BW muks curse all this time. love you long time. let's meet up sometime and drink many beers until we wash up on the harbour with aurora.

Master Chief bro, we still ending up not making but at least we had a shot. thanks for taking this on with me last minute. you know i love you. super keen to see you absolutely smash those km's, mate.

Manaphy you're a nutter LMAO. thanks for joining us again, it was honestly so great to have you on board again and you're not only a great chat presence but you also really helped hold our SV up this season.

Xrn thanks for clicking buttons for us this season, chief and for being ready to just be slotted wherever i needed you to be LOL. appreciate you very muchly.

Edgar the second one to bear the BW muk curse. You are an absolutely insane BW-er, whiuch you competently showed in BWPL, going 5-0 with ease. Much respect. you're also just super fun to hang out with.

Ainzcrad GIGACHAD. you're such a lovely and wholesome person, it's just really lovely. Hands down one of the most genuine peeps i've met on this site. Thanks for always helping the team out.

corvere i said it before and i'll say it again. you were an integral to the success and playoffs shot we had this season, and BFM and SV would not have done anywhere near as well without you. You also picked up a couple of very well-earned wins. Hope you get the success you deserve, and thanks for sticking it out with us.

DNNP wow i learnt so much about you in this season, it's a bit bewildering. im glad we got to team together, ur very fun. also ss sucks so thanks for shouldering that burden lmao. choose a better tier to play, i reckon.

squinn was super fun having you around, thanks for joining us and i hope you had a good time.

BigFatMantis absolute legend. you're 9-0 in my mind, king. hope you keep carving em up.

Seasons thanks for helming ORAS for us a couple times this season (haha). you were very cool and i'm sure with some more practice you undoubtedly would have pulled off a very stellar performance, indeed.

shiloh ily :timothee:

ogasian RIP to one of the greatest.

Mr.378 our split following the 2020 dialgas never really worked out for either of us haha. the dialgas are a strong franchise and i'm sure they will see success soon, hopefully with the iron man at the helm.

Hack thanks for coming to help us out father.

Reje u get ur own one because ur the one that this all started with. not really anything i need to say, u know it all. there's no1 i would have rather done this absolute shit crock of a journey with.

signing off,
flop/jetson/wombat/march fires/monsters of men/tape.


destined for greatness
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
well, this is it. unfortunately, our run has come to an end. this will likely be the last time i manage in upl, as each year i find more and more i just don't have the time or energy to play mons let alone captain a team. what a wild ride it has been though. we never managed to make it into playoffs but nevertheless i'm proud of what mukkers was and i look forward to seeing what happens next.

Terracotta the italian stallion. you've been here since the start, and have always been essential to any success we've experienced, particularly in the current gens and dpp. you are a real visionary in the team builder and there's no-one who does it quite like you. thank you for all you've done friend.

iry LOLOLOLOLOOOOO. i played more games of mons with you in the last 7 weeks than i have in the last 3 years, only for you to get rng'ed into the abyss and beyond. but such is life. you have a wonderful demeanour and although the records haven't reflected it, are very talented indeed. i'd drop 20k on you any day. best wishes to the fam.

Inspirited ah, wreck. the growth you've shown since i first drafted you has been awe-spiring to watch. the way you dissect and analyse games and your own gameplay is nothing short of inspirational. i'm glad others are now recognising just how good you are at what you do. take care.

SiTuM SITOAAAT. when we first drafted you last upl, i was very skeptical. now i wouldn't hesitate to .50 on you. you're genuinely one of the greatest to every do it, and also an absolute riot to hang out with. love u man, thanks for always carrying us. please eat some vegetables for god sake's LOL.

LucosDiCampos lucos, my oras soux chef. you're wicked fun, great to talk to about life, and i'm always grateful that you join us to hang out and help with my oras debauchery (although i didn't really hit the kitchen this time). maybe we will finally get to cross paths in person one day but in the meantime i hope life treats you well brother.

byulharang HOLY GOAT. i'm sad we couldn't nab you a cute custom, i swore i was gonna do it. you're a legend and one of my all time faves. thanks for helping glue this rag tag bunch of peeps together. i loved our chats and getting to know you more this year, and im always here for u ily.

Lasen one part of the doomed to fail quartet. i'm sorry that we could never get you the success you deserved. you are one of my oldest and greatest friends, and i am forever grateful for your presence and for bearing the BW muks curse all this time. love you long time. let's meet up sometime and drink many beers until we wash up on the harbour with aurora.

Master Chief bro, we still ending up not making but at least we had a shot. thanks for taking this on with me last minute. you know i love you. super keen to see you absolutely smash those km's, mate.

Manaphy you're a nutter LMAO. thanks for joining us again, it was honestly so great to have you on board again and you're not only a great chat presence but you also really helped hold our SV up this season.

Xrn thanks for clicking buttons for us this season, chief and for being ready to just be slotted wherever i needed you to be LOL. appreciate you very muchly.

Edgar the second one to bear the BW muk curse. You are an absolutely insane BW-er, whiuch you competently showed in BWPL, going 5-0 with ease. Much respect. you're also just super fun to hang out with.

Ainzcrad GIGACHAD. you're such a lovely and wholesome person, it's just really lovely. Hands down one of the most genuine peeps i've met on this site. Thanks for always helping the team out.

corvere i said it before and i'll say it again. you were an integral to the success and playoffs shot we had this season, and BFM and SV would not have done anywhere near as well without you. You also picked up a couple of very well-earned wins. Hope you get the success you deserve, and thanks for sticking it out with us.

DNNP wow i learnt so much about you in this season, it's a bit bewildering. im glad we got to team together, ur very fun. also ss sucks so thanks for shouldering that burden lmao. choose a better tier to play, i reckon.

squinn was super fun having you around, thanks for joining us and i hope you had a good time.

BigFatMantis absolute legend. you're 9-0 in my mind, king. hope you keep carving em up.

Seasons thanks for helming ORAS for us a couple times this season (haha). you were very cool and i'm sure with some more practice you undoubtedly would have pulled off a very stellar performance, indeed.

shiloh ily :timothee:

ogasian RIP to one of the greatest.

Mr.378 our split following the 2020 dialgas never really worked out for either of us haha. the dialgas are a strong franchise and i'm sure they will see success soon, hopefully with the iron man at the helm.

Hack thanks for coming to help us out father.

Reje u get ur own one because ur the one that this all started with. not really anything i need to say, u know it all. there's no1 i would have rather done this absolute shit crock of a journey with.

signing off,
flop/jetson/wombat/march fires/monsters of men/tape.



The Most Wanted
is a Tutoris a Tiering Contributor
Hey, the rain is over for this year but really enjoyed how great my teammates were in this tour and well this is my last tour here so let me do a quick shoutouts for my boys the drizzlers

Perry Lunala: My partners in crime, was so funny the draft part where we got a perfect draft plan and as well a great team, I feel we did our best for the team, you both are good managers definitely proved, and thanks for retaining me, my record could've been better and I'm sorry for that

ox04: First time we're on the same team, I already knew you have a different approach to mons but was interesting watching you coming with some new ideas each week, sometimes crazier than the last, but yes continue the work, you're doing great

Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka, I think this was your first teamtour experience here in Ubers, you were so active too and helped other slots (including mine) you're also a good player, I think you'll do good things in the tier too, I like how you did it, I'm sure you will get better in the next tours as you collect more experience

Nael222 Despise having a lose streak after a good start, I think you were good for the team and very motivated even tho some irl stuff messed up, but ngl you were really annoying sometimes, i guess that every team needs someone that fits that role, hope your stuff get fixed and you can continue improving and doing better here

Dark Shion This was your first Ubers teamtour and you were my recommendation for SV this tour, even after going 0-2 I think you did well, helped with tests and playing wise you gonna do better, keep sharping your diamond inside

lotiasite so far wasn't your best tour and I didn't know you before but you're really nice, this was that kind of showing that doesn't really define you as a player, I know you can do better next tours, gl

robjr well as well as loti you didn't have a good performance but you're a proven good player so you already know there are ups and downs, and playing oras doesn't help too much tho, but you will come back better I feel it

Zesty43 my comrade you're amazing, when everyone thought you were done and letting you go so cheap in the draft, you got everyone looking at you while you won in so many insane ways, people are sleeping at one of the best builders and player of USM

Edit: Melle2402 messed up a bit with the copy paste for this post but yes let's go ahead, you're a real goat, we knew each other since PO days and enjoyed you on this team, you wanted to proof that you're still a viable player and I think you did it, I really wanna see you coming back again

shrang We were trying new stuff that didn't work as planned here and you were really active testing and preparing, even tho sometimes you came with some staraptor/mismagius shit but you did better than people expected on you and I liked your presence in our chat

MMII even tho you think your price was exaggerated, I think your results proved you're wrong, you did really well and man you're the most active person in earth preparing adv that I've seen in my life, 5000 lines and tests per day, you will continue doing good I know that

Conflict the MVP of this tour completing an 7-0, you're really great, and tbh you were most active than I expected, you helped all fucking channels lmao, our season had your fingerprint all around, I don't need to say it you will continue destroying all competence

Enigami our lucky charm, you sacrificed your luck to give it to us in the tour, don't have too much to say I think rby wasn't our tier all tour, we lost almost all freeze wars, I admire you didn't get mad or something at that but yes, better luck next tours

King Billu you're good too, despise being busy I feel you helped a lot with tests games and comments, hope to see you getting more playing time in next tours

sanv you were a surprise for me this tour, even the barrier between Chinese and English couldn't stop you from help the team with your ideas, really clutched in some SV sets and you won a week in ORAS, you gonna do good things you just need to open more the variety of the stuff you use

TyCarter you were also one of my pick for SV, even tho you weren't as active as I expected I think you could good things when you start to be more active with the team, gl for your next tours here

We had good helpers too but yes special shoutouts to my main helpers the koffer Chill Shadow and Blim, you guys are great and the main reason I went positive this tour, thanks for your collaboration really

And pokemonisfun you had the most difficult role on our team, you had to get tagged like 7x times per week to name teams, backstage MVP here

Thanks Drizzlers, if it wasn't this time, I'm sure the team will get that trophy soon than later if Perry continue the leadership of this boat.

See you later Ubers, made a lot of good friends despise the bad opinions of Ubers, tier is a great metagame with a good player base:row:
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I'm the truth only time will teach ya
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Hey, this is a bit late, but I've been meaning to do one of these as well. I really enjoyed everyone on my team this year and I'm glad we made it as far as we did (and that we are the best team). You all made my first UPL a wonderful experience, and I hope we team up again next year :)

Perry Lunala You guys were great managers. We had a great team, and you guys really helped with all of our prep while making the team environment relaxing for us. I appreciate all the help and i hope that we can do it again next year.

ox04 Even though I still do not like Scarf Etern at all (to your dismay), I really appreciate having you as a teammate. You didn't stray away from unique builds, and I think as the tour went on, that really helped me start to come into my own in some builds. You're an incredible player and a solid teammate both for prep and tests, and I hope to see you keep it up.

Nael222 I know you were going through some tough times, but it was still cool to have your help around. You're also a very solid player and a funny guy sometimes, but I know you're much better than you showed this tour. :swole:

Dark Shion Hey, my partner who was also new to UPL! You were a solid player that kept testing with us consistently, and I still dont think I've beaten you in like any test games. I know you're gonna do better next UPL, keep it up!

Zesty43 I really appreciate having you here dude. Not only were you an incredible USM player, but you were consistently covering a lot of the SV prep and tests by yourself. You were incredibly good this tour, and I definitely think you'll be even more ridiculous next one.

Thor Yo you really made BW look crazy. I appreciate how you covered so many tiers while just being an incredible team presence and BW player. Definitely keep up the insane stuff you did this tour, we will kill it again next year.

shrang The DPP innovation you created was crazy. I know some of the games were wack but seeing you experiment with so many new ideas definitely was fun, and I can tell that you were great in this tier. Definitely keep it up!

MMII Absolute ADV god, you were filling up that channel with team prep and killing it. I played a ton of tests with you and I could tell that you had so much experience and practice put into the tier. I appreciate that and just you being active in all of our channels, helping with prep. Keep it up fr

Conflict Bro you absolutely destroyed GSC while carrying the entire server with your prep advice. You were definitely the face of the Drizzlers this tour, and I know you can finish up the 9-0 next year.

sanv I know you had some difficulties with scheduling timezones / work / language barrier, but that didn't stop you from being active in SV / SS / SM / ORAS and putting in so much time building and testing and prepping with us. I appreciate all the effort you put in, you're a great buy for any team.

lotiasite robjr Melle2402 Enigami King Billu TyCarter I didn't interact with you guys outside of a few interactions, but you are all chill and I hope we have more teamtours together in the future :)

Also extra shoutouts to main helpers Chill Shadow Blim pokemonisfun , couldn't have done it all without you three.

I had a lot of fun this tour and I'm definitely appreciative of this time. See you guys next year, let's we finish the job.
week 1:

week 2:

week 3:

week 4: (sanv inspired team just could not rock with hoopa)

week 5:

week 6 g1:
week 6 g2:

week 7:

week 8:

Glad to finally do well in one of these also very happy that it was with such a great team and great group of people. I attribute all of my success this tour to Perry sanv RichardMillePlain and Evuelf between building advice and tests they helped so much. Special shoutouts to Taka and ox04 you're both great I expect big things going forward in SV.


General Kenobi
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Sorry for the late shoutouts, I've just had no time over the last 2 weeks (moving house and then working last weekend). Apologies if some of these sound half-baked too, like I've said I've been busy.
Shoutouts to Drizzlers for having faith in me - unfortunately I couldn't deliver the perfect run that I did last year but going off the absolutely horrendous UWL this is probably a bit more respectable that that tournament. Apologies I couldn't help out much with other tiers outside of ADV, I've long lost my ability to play other tiers at this point.

Perry - thanks for being a great manager, you were very supportive even though I didn't start that well and still having faith in me to play. I was almost expecting to be dropped after going 1-2 but it was really good of you to reassure me that I'd be playing for the long haul
Lunala - also a great manager but also played really well. Thanks for your support and willing to buy me to play
Nael222 -
(this won me over in the end)
ox04 - damn you had some amazing inventions and you've got some amazing new shit. You kind of remind me of early me when I still played CG and just throwing everything at the wall to see if it sticks except you're a good enough player to make it work, unlike me
Taka - you played great and thanks for being one of the few who was able to test teams with me, I really appreciated it
Dark Shion - sorry we didn't get to interact much, I don't have much to say
robjr - you had some pretty awful luck at times but your ability to fill whatever slot is amazing
Zesty43 - Damn 7-1 is an amazing record glad to have you around on our team
Melle2402 - great older player that hasn't been given much of the limelight recently which is a shame, you still played well though
sanv - loved your enthusiasm to help out everywhere, some of the ideas you had were really fresh
Thor - legendary and continues to get good records, was great to share a team with you
MM2 - Oh man we go way back. It's good to see you getting an amazing ADV record this year after you crushed everyone for most of the tournament. Hopefully you stay around for a while longer yet. Also thanks for all the dpp games.
Conflict - sigh you were so close to getting a perfect record, what a GOAT
Enigami - RBY will be RBY I guess, your luck was probably one of the worst in the tourney, but it was great to see you finish off on a win
TyCarter - shame you didn't get to play but your advice on DPP teams were still very helpful
lotiasite - sorry forgot to add you in here - unfortunately unlucky most games though there were quite a few games stolen :(

Chill Shadow M Dragon Blim pokemonisfun thanks for being great helpers - M Dragon esp for kicking my ass enough for a week so I can improve
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Embrace the wonders within.
is a Tiering Contributor
This time has been the most fun I've ever had playing mons ever. My team was absolutely incredible and the vibes were (usually) great too. Even though we weren't able to take it home I'm very happy about how we did, and I wanna give some special shoutouts to select members of the team.

Aberforth you absolute SV goat. Most crucially you were there to give me tests for other tours when I needed it. I cannot stress enough how helpful having you on the team was for me in bettering myself as a player.

Li Xiao Long it's still criminal you got locked in the Bandits basement after like week 4 think. However, more than that, you really helped greatly in shaping the vibe of the team and I don't know if I'd have the same experience without ya.

MZ I know we didn't converse much, but we did converse and play BW a couple times and I loved every second of it...what's that? oh you better not remind me of all the bullshit that happened during those games.

FatFighter2 Okay uh so. FF2. We gotta talk about your skills sometime :messi: you're bad, yet you're super good at the same time, it's kinda ridiculous. However you did win a lot in ADV and also helped to shape the vibe of the server so I guess I can't be too mad.

Maybe this wasn't really your season, and maybe you've not been the best in the last couple weeks. But you are still the GSC goat, always. And, you are also the manager who started me in BW just so the first letters of every name in your lineup spell "THE GSC GOAT IS ISA." It was fun talking to you when we did talk, wouldn't change anything here.

SaDiSTiCNarwhal I think what I like a lot about you is that you were willing to challenge absurd odds when it truly counted. RBY seems like a really dogshit meta and we should totally ban it from UPL but this season you were willing to rise to the occasion. It was also great talking with you just casually, or while you were learning(?) SV.

So uh first of all Body Slam Pex is still banned :messi: but anyways you seem super knowledgeable about all tiers and were there to support all our slots. And of course, you are THE goat in DPP. One does not predict fucking MAIL TO COUNTER TRICKSCARF DEO-S and NOT be considered automatically for the DPP tiebreaker. Absolutely goated manager and player, very happy I got the chance to be on your team, and thanks so much for drafting me this season.

Ayu There's a lotta things I wanna say about you from this season, but I can't find the words. All I really can say is that you also were an absolutely goated manager, and I wouldn't have had any other manager in your place.(besides the players that are already managing another team ofc)

And ofc, thanks to the rest of my team Frito Guard DAHLI baconeatinassassin oversway Alkione IoSonoNeon polt and our wonderful helpers Stallion SuperEpicAmpharos pichus zf Zayele Iris and Nora (idk smog names for the last three TvT)

This was a fantastic season, gg to the other teams, and I hope to see y'all again next year when I'm actually good at some oldgens!
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zacian waifu :flushed:
is a Tiering Contributoris a Past SCL Champion
Although we weren't able to win it all, I'm still so proud of our team for being able to make such a deep run after a truly terrible first two weeks. This has been one of my most enjoyable team tours ever, so I wanted to make a s/o post to thank all my teammates, friends, and helpers. I'm sorry if I don't have much to say for some people, I literally never checked some channels (cough sv) so I wasn't able to interact with everyone as I would have liked.

Highlord LOOL imagine dropping 28k for good vibes. But for real, I'm happy we were able to team up once again after uwl. After your self-proclaimed "terrible" uwl performance (bro went positive), I couldn't be happier to see you go 8-2 and show who the greatest (and most ratio) DPP Ubers player of all time is. Our team is blessed to have a manager that can both carry record-wise and in prep in so many slots. I'm so glad to be friends and teammates, and I can't wait until the next UPL where you are obligated to retain me for 31k.

Ayu Thanks for pushing me into adv :messi: it turns out that tier was the right pick for this tour. I couldn't have had a better manager and I'm glad you guys still decided to buy me regardless of price tag. Your sometimes visionary prep choices definitely was a major factor in this deep playoff run, even if I ignored like 90% of ur adv advice (teehee sorry :owohehe:) I hope we can team together again in another ubers team tour.

Aberforth Jokes aside, you were a great presence on this team and I respect you a lot as a player. You had the toughest opponents in the bo3 slot and I think you did great. I'd be happy to team with you again in any tour and I look forward to seeing you in scl (maybe?)

Alkione After shuffling around all the players in the early weeks you were the unlucky soul left in Oras and you did amazing and definitely surprised a lot of people. You were also absolutely loads of fun to team with and we had a lot of memorable conversations together (monsboxing?). I hope we can team together again sometime in the future.

baconeatinassassin Personally I thought you did amazing in ss and definitely deserved better than what the record shows (fc robbery LOL) so hold your head up high and I hope we can team again.

DAHLI Frito Guard IoSonoNeon polt sorry for putting yall together in one section. I just literally muted sv chats from the very start cause I don't really like post-home sv so I unfortunately wasn't able to interact with you guys much as I would have liked. Regardless, whenever I tuned in to the SV games I always saw cool shit being brought so hats off to you all for coming up with all of these cool teams that got us dubs.

oversway thanks for being able to sub into usum and dominate after a suspect first two weeks from me lol. You really played better than I think ever could have in usum and this team could not have gone as far as it did without you.

SaDiSTiCNarwhal I don't know how people like you do it playing straight rby for 11 weeks. I think you definitely deserved to win more than you did had it not been rby being rby. You're a great guy and I'm happy to have gotten to know you better this tour.

OreoSpeedruns HL made a great choice picking you up as you really were able to lift the team atmosphere and provide that morale boost to us all. You were a lot of fun to be with and I hope to see you in uwl or upl as a starter next time. PSA: never forget a trillion lions easily beat all the non legendary pokemon in a fight

Isa I know the tour didn't go as well as you'd like including with the irl thing to deal with. But after teaming with you for upl I know that you're an amazing person and player and deserved better than this, but that's just mons sometimes. I'd be awesome if we could team up again sometime and once again I'm sorry for your loss, best of luck moving forwards.

MZ I'm not very familiar w bw but it was incredible how you were able to sub right into the tier and deliver wins in a relatively new tier. You were really clutch throughout the playoffs as well and I hope I can see you in bw again maybe.

Li Xiao Long I literally didn't know you at all coming into UPL but I'm so glad we were able to meet and become friends. The tour didn't go as well as you would have liked sheet wise but I know that you were worth every bit of your price for your presence and help prep wise in the adv sweatshop. You absolutely carried me test wise throughout the tour and I definitely would not have had the record I had without you. You are absolutely a great guy and we need to team up again sometime and play some among us in call.

SuperEpicAmpharos we once again unfortunately dodged teaming again but I had loads of fun hanging out with you and I'm glad HL and ayu kept you. Sorry for pinging you every 10 seconds asking random questions like "does ice beam freeze in sun," I'm just lucky n bad. You're an awesome friend though and a stand-up dude in general and I really hope you keep playing adv ubers as I still think you're a goat in that tier. Good luck in the last stretch of Callous invitational, I know you can win it all and get the big bucks :pimp:.

zf Seldanna TrueNora Thanks so much guys for being amazing helpers in so many of our slots. Zayele absolutely carried DPP prep along w HL and it's a blessing we could have you throughout the tour. I'm glad my friend Nora was able to join out of retirement to give some help in the ss slot, I hope you'll come back to tours someday. And zf the goat gave much-needed help in many of our slots with his energy and unique perspectives. The team could not have gone so far without all of your help.

Ajencis Noitu special thanks to you guys for helping me test adv week after week even though you didn't want to join the server. Your testing genuinely made such a big difference and I'm blessed to have so many different ADV perspectives to help as I crafted teams each week. I hope that next upl you guys will sign up to play adv so we can team or play each other, and if you see me on showdown don't be afraid to hit me up sometime for friendly adv games.

After undeservingly being the most expensive player in UPL Xl, I'm quite happy with the overall result and think that my play definitely got sharper as the weeks went by, ending with a 3-0 run in playoffs. I plan to take a bit of a break after this (unless I get drafted for scl), but I'll still be somewhat active and maybe back in uwl 3 (to resurrect the Zacian Waifus with Highlord?!)


is a Tiering Contributor
UPL Champion
UPL XI Journal – LouisIX / Manly Melmetal

I enjoy making sharp comments without assuming any responsibility. Yes what a bad ass I am lol.

This journal is intended solely for entertainment purposes. Additionally, please refrain from making overly critical remarks that may cause harm. We are all gonna die soon and there is no sequel. Lets have a laugh at your expense, shall we?


I will limit my comments to SV, SS, and ORAS as these tiers are the most confident for me.

(The original version is way too offensive, so this is a reworked version. Don’t ask me where is the original, thanks)

W1 vs Devastating Dialga
Entrocefalo vs Sylveon use calm mind (SUCM)

Mu wise it is favoring entro a lot, but in practise two things happen:
1. SUCM managed to counter entro’s miraidon in turn 1
2. a strange UT on turn 3 by entro put fairyceus entrance way too early, which leads to skeledirge getting low hp and lose the ability to deal with EK.

SUCM looks perfectly winning until he clicked taunt against 55% hp fairyceus, and his zacian also not clicking swords dance (or maybe no SD? IDK), choked him from 100% winning position to lose. Week one gaming, I guess.

Funny thing is I was urging entro to bring ditto, and no words are needed to say how ditto would own this mu.

LBN vs Crying


There were teams flying around in early SV like LBN's "asking for being Fucked by groundy " team and crying 'taunt fairyceus 6-0" team.

Crying has one more hazard, but LBN waterceus is too big that almost just win on spot, but this advantages had nothing to compensate bad play from LBN, like turn 17 sacking Treads instead of zacy, not finishing ekiller to let it live at 1%...
Seriously, literally anyone could tell scarf korai was sweeping by clicking fighting move or simply flare blitz after ek is gone and he let ek live for an extra leftovers turn. Oh well. Tough one.

Inder vs Elodin


Disaster MU for Elodin
Giratina is straight unbreakable for him, no switch-in for Palkia and scarf korai is claiming kills after kill
with Inder wisping Zacian on Draco switch that’s gg.

Inder and I develop the idea of Korai+Palkia core. I went for magic bounce, and he went for double sun+giratina and both works pretty well in early SV meta (probably not after W3 where balance is not safe anymore).

On paper Sun is not fitting Palkia well as it reduces water stabs power, but in fact Spacial rend is hitting hard enough and Clodsire existence discourage clicking water move anyway
As long as you can consistently damage Ting-Lu, it is less to be a problem
Though Inder is complaining about thunder in sun, and he won the game by just clicking Spacial Rend kekk

Shuwri vs Qwily

Rule no1 in SS: lead calyrex when you can

lead ndm and don is absolutely ______ when you see calyrex on the opposite, and unfortunate this time it is the don lead wins the first turn
NDM dying early stage made me clicking X in real time because without ndm to knock, this zekrom is basically 5-0 the rest.

well generally speaking, losing ndm at early stage reducing the knock/twave accountability, and tricking zek with specs did nothing because no one is taking specs draco at all after ndm is gone…

yeah, just very gg from the beginning, nothing more I can say.
W2 vs Choice bandit
Entrocefalo vs Aberforth


during W2, raph peak the ladder with band korai so I decided with entro "hey lets band"

and we make a dual ghost+dual fairy+ groudon team to counter a dragon spam.

and Aber didnt bring any box dragon LMAO.

The game itself has a lot to say. The first turn if I was entro I will click Dclaw. The reason behind this is seeing two fairies in the back and aber leaded etern, thats heavily indicating that etern must be ev to eat a dclaw, but in fact this is a band korai and removing etern is also removing the only mu advantage of aber's team as well. UT to scout the item is not too bad overall, but entro would need a lot more effort to deal with etern.

And this game also reflected gira-O is matching badly against ting as well. Entro throws 99% of hp of his gira-O to chip ting-lu into 1-hit range, but still cannot stop it from setting 2 layers of spikes.

Aber then choose to trade groudon hp for later zacian sweep, and the position was back to etern vs waterceus. After baiting out flamethrower, entro make the correct play of swtiching into flutter mane but was overpredicting by clicking mystical fire on the first turn, making aber's etern remains unkillable.

here aber made his first choke which was staying etern on koraidon switch. the UT damage earlier on ting reveals it is band and you just have no reason to stay given etern was already cooking entro's entire team and you have two fairy at the back. He made a second big choke which was clicking sd on the dclaw locked koraidon and was forced out as entro immediately switched to flutter mane. Once zacian was forced out without dealing any damage, aber lost his last threat of the team and it would only take few more turns for band korai blitzing the rest of aber's team with the help of healing wish from entro’s ceus.

Pokemon is a game who win with less mistakes. Entro was having a lot of minor mistakes as he was playing extremely safe, but those minor mistakes were no compare to the two mega chokes from aber, costing him the game.

Inder vs Frito

what is choice mon fearing of? protect.
what is pex/ting fearing of? future sight.
so yeah… disaster mu for frito.

sack ting-lu for the first future sight attack means giving up hazards, and frito still go grassceus and not thinking about pushing the tempo with koraidon immediately, giving inder another future sight and this time pex was sacked, literally means gg on the spot.

For real, If frito was doubling on every grassceus entrance, even if frito didn’t click a move on grassceus, this game would be still playable. Oh well.



I don’t really like LBN’s play in the early game. Sometimes, forcing early tera may not brings you a good result especially with a cost of an important mon down for that. Miraidon itself is super threatening and it is quite obvious that miraidon will put immense pressure on LBN’s team with tera. If miraidon will take out something on the turn it tera, you will not sack flutter mane, do you? But in practice this happen lol.

I can't understand LBN choice here and as the result he sacked his fastest mon of his team

What makes the sack looks more dumb was that his grassceus was turnt out to be with earth power. So if you are predicting something by doubling to mane, why don’t you just click earth power for damage… my god.

What kept LBN temporaily on life was the groudon. As DAHLI was using a speedy groundceus which get 2HKO by pblade, LBN's groudon was still in great sweeping spot everytime it comes in.

And then LBN decided to sack his ting-lu hp for corviknight bodypress and ting-lu’s health as the result was down to dpulse range. (´c_`)

DAHLI made a choke there on clicking overheat on turn 25 (come on what dpulse hurt even draco), making LBN was able to stop miraidon temporaily, but as flutter mane was gone LBN's team was no switch against iron press corviknight and was force to go pex inviting mewtwo which killed ting-lu instantly with nasty plot.

And now Miraidon was sweeping...unless it got crited by ep grassceus.

Flutter mane: excuse me, why me then?

Sadly, one Crit would not save LBN. DAHLI sacked groundy for breaking groudon subs to make mewtwo enter safely threatening icebeam ko. LBN correctly tera fire, but he clicked... pblade.

and it missed

mewtwo tank the following FIRE PUNCH (yes this is FIRE PUNCH WHICH ALSO 2HKO MEWTWO with FULL ACCURACY) and killed groudon, with pex and korai left, DAHLI pex was basically sweeping.

Man it is painful to review this game my god

Shuwri vs Baconeatinassassin


This game is one of a kind game to watch ----- in terms of super mega choking from both side…

Shuwri with Ferrothron, eternatus, CM orge and Trick calyrex at the back, decided to TRADE WITH HIS OWN ORGE with opponent's orge, where HIS OWN ORGE WAS THE ONLY COUNTER TO HOOH IN HIS TEAM

The correct solution on cm orge for shuwri is to leech seed immediately, and use etern/orge to take scald.

As the abovementioned reasons, trading orge was pure loss for shuwri, but the mega choke started from now lol.

With both orge being low pp and basically useless, Bacon decided to stay etern in front of calyrex and immediately got sent to the oblivion with specs psyshock.

With etern out, shuwri restore the position to winnable. He just need to cure the poison on yveltal, but instead he decided to sack eternatus HP for calyrex with a full useless kyorge in the back, caused shuwri lost the knock-off receiver and eventually lost leftovers for his ferrothorn. Shuwri for some reasons, still refused to sack orge, and agressively doubling calyrex which made calyrex a dead meat after taking a BB. Shuwri further giving NDM's HP on opposite orge made him lost the last sacred fire receiver, and together with his eternatus not bringing flamethrower, the game is done for him.

With specs calyrex+ ferrothorn+ bacon's toxic ndm, it should be an advantage MU... why the hell it went like this SMH... painful review again.
Entrocefalo vs Pichus

Pichus team was the most popular team structure during w3 upl, which is 3 attackers+ 3 defenders structure. Maybe because of how band koraidon dominated aberforth last week, pichus was so feared to koraidon and use a full anti-koraidon core with pex and skeledirge, plus a groundy taking care of tera fire.

Well, you can’t really say this is cteaming, right? Koraidon is just THAT scary.And thus pichus was also deserved to auto losing to orge+mirai core. It is unlucky to pichus to say the least.

This week entro also showed to me what a good player looks like. I just suggest “hey use sub orge” and he came up with this well-organised team mostly by himself. Further, entro also has a good understanding to the tier. Being one of the earliest people sensing landorus value stopped the last effort of pichus in the late game. No other words but Respect.

Inder vs 64 square


64 Squqre brings two choice mons. What choice Mon scare the most again? Protect Spam!
And inder brought two protect lmao

64 was just getting completely cteamed unlucky him. Probably 64’s team choice is based on how inder loving choiced box legend in the past two weeks so 64 decided to bring choice flutter mane to punish the dragon spam, but he met protect spam with an strong hazard-control core instead. 64 also appeared to be defog-less and doesn’t really have method to stop hazards from inder’s ting-lu. It is just a completely hopeless mu for 64.

Shuwri (Kakushiaji) vs Mindgaming (HandshakeHandshake)


Shuwri proposed a funny mirai set this week. Draco doing half to ting-lu indicates the item is a power boosting item, and not doing over half means it’s not specs, thus, it must be draco plate miraidon. <- that’s what you should be awared of during game.

The game itself is quite weird. Despite mindgaming forfeiting with 4 mons vs 5 mons at turn 20, caly-I+korai+zacian is an ok offense core except facing waterceus which shuwri did bring with LANDORUS-T, makes things ultra hard to mindgaming game plan. The only legit route for him, IMO, would be putting koraidon as frequent as he can to minimize landorus intimidate effect to his team, meanwhile trying to dodge as much as he can on draco spam from miraidon. But sadly, as mindgaming didn’t bring a mon to force ting-lu, he can’t even pivot koraidon to the field safely as his team is also lacking pivot move like UT from other mon. Though the early wisp on mirai did help a lot, landorus+miraidon was still too much for a ting-lu to bear with and mindgaming’s counter just get completely shut down by lando+waterceus combo as well as the gatekeeper scarf koraidon. After Mindgaming’s koraidon die to scarf low kick, he quickly forfeited on turn 20 and it is quite clear that scarf korai would just out-trading him in a few turns. Nice team choice from shuwri, but Mindgaming’s team is also lacking connection and looks like he just smacks a lot of physical attackers together without a legit game plan in his builder.

LBN VS Icemaster


Garmar+ferro+don vs classic orge hooh (zekrom food fking again)

Icemaster is a based player spamming all standard set and using only top 10 mons in the meta. I am very confused with the mon choice by LBN here. If I was LBN, I would not choose attacker like don and g-darm against a player like icemaster because they are unstable as F. To win a solid player in SS imo, what you need is not using unstable breaking power, and instead you need CREATIVITY. On top of that, g-darm and don just doesn’t seem right to be packed together because you exposed yourself heavily to kyorge where people nowadays just like spamming it in like maybe 70% of the game.

On the other hand, mons such as tapu koko, audino and shedinja usually are very effective against the top 10 VR spammer such as icemaster.

Rain+vish is also legit given the playstyle of icemaster makes him less likely to bring fast-paced sweeper and vish power usually just burst through the firewall of those players.

The lead is orge vs don. Icemaster quickly noticed spamming scald was just the freest plan to play for win, and what’s more it met a don lead.

Let me repeat SS UB rule no1: when you can lead caly, lead caly.

What is hidden behind that rule is, when you can’t lead caly, don’t lead things weak to caly. Leading don against an orge+calyrex team is just ____. LBN got lucky on the first few turns with t-wave which just eliminated the advantages of icemaster from the leading. But then LBN let his eternatus to eat para, and that was the game loser for LBN here. With etern getting para LBN lost the measure against orge/hooh/yveltal triple pressuring. The correct play is to go ndm on hooh and try to bait a burn on eternatus. After a standard doubling to caly and Ice tricked the specs on yveltal, not much can LBN do to win and he just quickly let go eternatus and the rest of the game is just trash time.

(´_ゝ`) (´_ゝ`) (´_ゝ`) (´_ゝ`) (´_ゝ`) (´_ゝ`)

Vileman vs Keys


Orge don bulky offense vs band hooh

Maybe the game looks close but it is actually gg for keys in early stage.

Vile’s rockceus is matching band hooh well and with early spikes up it seems to be a very advantageous mu towards vile. However, the giratina difference pretty much shaped this game, as gira-O’s longevity has no compare to gira-A. Vile’s first rockceus entrance accomplished zero which is understandable, as klefki is a reasonable switchin to chase back a spikes, but instead, keys goes groudon.

This involves a deeper thinking: klefki needs to stop both rockceus and darkrai. Taking early damage for klefki with spikes up is not a very good idea. Keys read it through and successfully make groudon on spot, clicking the relatively free toxic. The turning point of the game is when pdon land a toxic on gira-O, and in reverse vile didn’t make progress on pdon. As key’s team has knock-off and hit vile’s klef, with keys gira-A vs vile gira-O, it means vile loses the hazard war completely to keys and pretty much have keys called the game. Vile only hope in the late game is hard substitute with darkrai to gamble a para from klefki and try to flinch/para hax it to death but he didn’t go for it so game ends.

So to be exact, what choke did vile make for the game despite the rocky mu being fine against hooh?

1 Does not aware that the hazard war in oras is very fast paced even in balance vs balance

Pdon as the premier rocker in the tier, the longevity is the main weakness of it, so as the counter defogger gira-O. vile failing to punish pdon on its rock is basically what makes him to lose the hazard war and the game as well. To further develop, mono water kyogre and the toxic-less gira-O on the team is the main reason vile loses this game as they heavily limited vile’s play against pdon. Vile should be clicking judgment more often.

2. Does not aware klefki’s longevity

The difference of klefki treatment is another big point of the game. Keys protected his klefki very well over the game, including the wisp dodging on the first rockceus entrance and actively take t-wave from gira-O to completely avoid burn. On the other hand, vile’s klefki was getting knocked by yveltal as team switches against yveltal is limited as well.

To conclude, vile doesn’t aware the hazard disadvantage and fail to switch to a more aggressive game plan in the early stage, cost his room to play being squeezed to minimum in early stage of the game and lead to the lost.
Entrocefalo vs kythr


We all expect kythr will be receiving team from his teammate, therefore me and entro decided to be conservative this round to secure a win. Lando+orge and zacian is a very safe core to face someone you know that he is going to cteam you with physical spam, but unfortunately not bringing poison type makes kythr’s glimmora a pretty annoying limiting factor for entro to do physical attack.

The first two turns were both testing out the switching habit. Entro smartly dodged the tempted glimmora switches to prevent toxic spikes and make ekiller to the field in a relatively safe spot. Kythr did not notice the danger of ekiller and allowed entro to set up to +6. If entro is tera normal, it will be gg on the spot ekiller gets to +6. Kythr glimmora is probably no memento and then was choking a switch and letting entro to land a free espeed on zacian which is the only mon in the team that can take a +6 espeed to revenge. Kythr was forced to commit his tera early which is the biggest disaster a HO team could face, and with tera and speed control (zacian) are both gone, kythr last effort was putting orge on position and that also didn’t success as entro hit a beautiful earthquake on it with lando and saved koraidon very well for weather control. Entro’s zacian is just unstoppable after kyogre fainted.

Inder vs Tier

I don’t really like inder’s team this week. Mewtwo as a wisp+taunt spammer, it is not a standalone mon to go. It needs specific teammate to bring synergy to validate its uses. To elaborate on the above, mewtwo provides:

  1. Psystrike
  2. Fast taunt against ceus
  3. Fast wisp against ceus.
With pressure, it is basically the best counter to cm ceus in most cases. But mewtwo can’t do this all by his own, as there is no way to promise arceus can never get one calm mind to turn the table. On top of that, most cm ceus is running tera poison to avoid getting toxic, and that’s why mewtwo cannot act to be a standalone mon against cm arceus: mewtwo will need ceus to tera poison so that psystrike can effectively remove cm ceus. And what can force ceus to tera poison? Bring Poison type!
But we didn’t see a single poison type on inder’s team this week.

It makes the mewtwo looks dumb and probably just giving free chance to miraidon at the point he is not clicking psystrike. Funny thing is, both inder and tier’s team looks so identical but one mon difference with etern vs mewtwo, even mewtwo usually just cook etern, it is still the tier team straight better than inder’s as mewtwo just barely do a little in this mu.
Though being said, inder cooked tier in the early stage of the game. A ruination hitting scarf lando is huge as F, inder also find a way to safely make ekiller on the field. As tier gambled a ww on ting-lu which was blocked by ekiller’s taunt, he is forced to sack one mon, in this case eternatus, the toxic spike setter. Tier was forced to put its zacian on spot in the early stage, but inder making a big choke right here. Instead of keeping ceus as a priority, he sacked it into zacian with a full landorus at the back and even allowing zacian a free swords dance. Again, with a full landorus at the back, inder wasted its tera as tier correctly predicted and do the correct thing as inder was being way too obvious on what he wants to do. Inder further risked a speedtie with its own zacian which he lost before he finally realized landorus-T, but it’s too late as landorus got chipped below rocks range and opposite ekiller just wins on spot.
This is probably one of the games that you can see the biggest contrast on a player within a game. Played perfectly in first few turns and then just choked to the ground in the rest of the game. Well truth to be told, inder is making these shit play occasionally lol so it doesn’t really surprise me too much though. It really is the choice of using mewtwo triggered me the most.

Shuwri vs Soulwind

Shuwri used the same 6 with what inder used above. Soulwind brings a “groundy please fuck me hard” team, and he didn’t meet groundy.
Lead is kyorge vs miraidon. The faster drizzle reveals immediately the kyorge is scarfer. Nonetheless the shuwri doesn’t care and immdediately go draco meteor doing 57% to clodsire, which the damage is pretty suspect to soulwind as it might be a high roll from scarf draco or it is a plate draco, which makes him fell from the taunt of shuwri afterwards. Soulwind trying to outplay shuwri with fairyceus to chase the margin, but shuwri go straight ruination halfing fairyceus’ hp and correctly forced fairyceus to run with a zacian switch. Soulwind fell completely off from the rhythm and shuwri gets another miraidon spot against skeledirge, which basically makes clodsire completely out of the game. Soulwind trying to retaliate with zacian, stopped and killed by landorus T but soulwind also eliminated lando-the-rock-setter with scarf orge. Soulwind made a rare choke here which is withdrawing orge from a miraidon swtichin. If soulwind calculated, he should know that tera water spout straightly 0hko miraidon. He didn’t do so, and instead trying to make aggressive double to stall out miraidon’s terrain. He successfully does so, as shuwri is in “I don’t want to risk shit” mode with miraidon is too big right there. Soulwind beautifully catched ting-lu switch with his orge but again still not tera to water right there. I think just clicking spout is very doubtful move here as shuwri has no switches to orge and he ought to do something with its own ting right now, and tera water gives the most advantage overall as even if ting-lu takes with tera, it won’t be able to take another after a full power tera spout or risking to lose miraidon with water resisting tera. The Earthquake damage on orge is too big and soulwind lost his effective speed control at that moment. After kyogre was traded for the unstoppable miraidon, soulwind is not able to win as taunt ekiller+zacian is just too much for one skeledirge to handle.

To conclude, soulwind basically lose because of the hesitation on committing early tera. Somehow, I guess this is a habit as soulwind is a good player overall and they used to play in extreme safe and refuse to commit a onetime resource until the very late game situation. Most of the time it may be right, but unfortunately the slow tera of soulwind this game literally cost him the game.

Mimikyu stardust vs FC

mu advantages is really good for mimikyu here but maybe he can go further out as FC team basically fully predictable. Nonetheless, the starting position is good for mimikyu. Specs astral doing 40 to yveltal indicates this is a +speed nature yveltal, fc aggressively taunt on clefable on Turn 3 showed a sign of how hard this mu is to FC. Mimikyu successfully make groudon on spot against t-wave ndm, and I don’t know why he clicked edge as FC team just can’t stop groudon but oh well. Anyway, kyogre of fc was also pressing hard on mymikyu team as mimikyu’s etern is literally a punching bag of kyogre on the set and not even beating ferrothorn because of no flamethrower. With enough chip done by hazards and scald burn, FC’s marsh starts to be threatening to mimikyu’s team. mimikyu beautifully struck off marsh’s first wave by doubling yveltal and clefable but was a bit impatient to trying to regain health for yveltal and it let fc’s ndm straight killed yveltal as FC always hax. In a situation like this, what you don’t want to do is reversing the importance of play. Yes, yveltal health is underpressure and it is relatively urgent as otherwise marsh may just go wild. But on the on the other hand, groudon is also extremely unstoppable for fc with rocks up as well. On top of that, there are ways to create a safe roosting turn for yveltal and you don’t have to be risking a throw here against t-wave ndm. As yveltal gone, the game speeded up very quickly and with a pair of paralyses, mimikyu was able to set up don and place himself in a winning position. Unfortunately, with 2 blades missing in a roll, fc’s too-safety play was not getting punished and mimikyu sadly lose the game.
Overall, fc showed a great control at the beginning and accumulated enough advantages to place mimikyu on the losing edge. But again, don shows why don is the don and it singlehandedly maintained mimikyu last hope in the mid game and be a complete actor in the end rewarding fc’s safety play. Unfortunate game for mimikyu.
Entrocefalo vs Takatk

The team entro using was suggested by shuwri as he believed that’s a counter team to takatk. Well :/

I ain’t trying to be bad ass here, but I was urging entro to either use a super offensive team to prevent takatk to use some random set up shit or use zamazenta to absolutely dominate an expected physical overload team. Well only if entro trusted me…

Hatterene is good overall especially pairing with miraidon because every draco absorber in the tier do nothing to hatterene, allows miraidon to click draco endlessly. Instead, it goes for sole hatterene… I mean even iron treads looks much better lmao
Anyway, team matchup is pretty shit for entro as ting-lu is a complete sac in this game basically means entro is 5 vs 6 at the preview. The lead and the early game development makes sense. Entro beautifully dodged the wild charge (as expected lol) and forced zacian out of the game with gatekeeper koraidon. A lucky burn takes out takatk’s lando which is huge as entro’s koraidon now is on favour in trading. However, as entro was used to play super safe, takatk successfully gambled a nuzzle on toxapex as it risked activating eject button for nothing (pex was advantage mu 1v1 every mon except hatterene). Taka got the para (and rocks damage) on kyorge which is huge, as orge is only checking physical attacker in a pinch when it is full and healthy. After some pivot with entro sacking his orge hp trying to stop the momentum of takatk, taka manage to click healing wish against pex, and successfully make a substitute of groundy, but taka seems not liking the idea and with substitute still intact, switch to chien-pao for a free hex of 32% hp. Here, entro decided to switch. If I am entro, I would stay to click draco or dtail.

Entro again he is a good player and will be too conservative sometimes. This time taka had the gamble, sding chien pao and successfully removed pex, the largest enemy of his team, and forced entro’s tera to be able to stop chien pao smoking around. By teraing fairyceus into water, entro lost his last dragon immunity and thus he must sack orge as fairyceus health is not enough to take band dclaw under sun. However, entro with low timer choked hard here. After he sack orge for setting up rain, he went his own koraidon to set up the sun again, leaving no room for his fairyceus to recover. Taka somehow sacked zacian for no reason as any move from entro just doesn’t kill (he should be awared of the damage on lando T early in the game), which gave entro a last hope on scarf koraidon closing the gate (ie a high enough roll of his koraidon to low kick ko band korai). On the last 2 vs 2, 49% korai vs 76% hp groundy on field. Koraidon is never killing groundy at that hp, but groundy’s eq can ko koraidon. Meanwhile, if takatk decided to attack and entro switches, gira-O will have a free attacking turn and entro will have the odds to low kick win. Entro make the wrong predict here so takatk was able to finish off the last win con of entro, winning the game.

Overall, takatk’s team was almost an impossible mu for entro as entro is basically on 5 vs 6. Except the last choke on fairyceus, entro has do his best to stop takatk’s overloading purpose with some beautiful dodge like dodging the wild charge from zacian. However, the mu is just way too bad that entro at the end stage only earnt a 5050 chance with all his effort in the early game and he didn’t get it, so I think that’s a tough take from entro.

Again, a habit will damage us no matter that habit is “good” or “bad”. We just can’t always play the same way especially against tour player. Entro is a good player and I think every good player has a “habit” to stay conservative when the game condition improved significantly. This is a good habit ngl when you just change the game condition from 50% winning to 90% winning and no one will blame you to play in extremely careful in that kind of situation. However, it actually feels quite similar when you can turn 10% wr to 50% wr, just like entro did in this game against takatk. This similar feeling probably gave illusion to entro’s deep mind and his habit of “playing carefully when condition improved” literally put him back into disadvantage condition. What I want to say is, no matter how good you are, you must play elastically and try to not follow 100% to the most obvious line of the game play. Maintaining elastic imo is the best way to win.

Shuwri vs ox04
I have told shuwri to use Scarf koraidon against ox and look how scarf koraidon just fking owns him just on the preview… lmao
Looking at the preview, kyogre looks way too threatening for ox04 if the orge is using the right set, namely bulky cm orge Icemaster. Although ox is using some balance core such as waterceus and eternatus, it is still very clear ox04’s team is a HO with samurott in the team.

With some pivoting from ox04 side, he managed to make samurott to the field safely against ting-lu, making its maximum use to chip shuwri’s fairyceus down to 47% and ox decided to go waterceus after almost 4 mins of thinking. I don’t really like shuwri decision in this turn as it stayed and clicked recover. It is absolutely disrespect to opponent if you think he would hard choke after thinking for 4 mins, he must have some reasons to go waterceus against a -1 def and 47%HP fairyceus. Though it is a waterceus, shuwri still should think a bit on why ox is going waterceus when he has a full eternatus at the back. In a HO team like ox used, the probability of ceus running DD/SD, no matter what type it is, is above 90%. With ox team basically has no weakness to fairyceus it really doesn’t have the necessity to recover here because if this is really a dd waterceus, shuwri team has barely any resistance to it and early damage on waterceus will be appreciated. Shuwri further sacrifice eternatus hp as the result of his unawareness on the fairyceus being very useless in this match up, and as the result basically giving its full eternatus just for a single toxic on dd waterceus. You can see the contradicting play of shuwri here: at one point, he didn’t play aggressively with the useless fairyceus to the big threat of waterceus after ox reveal it’s dd set; on the other hand, he sacked a full hp eternatus just for putting toxic on waterceus, and that’s quite common on player who didn’t give enough respect to the game and thus lacking a proper plan of the game. This type of inconsistent play seldom appears to be a big choke in a turn, but when you review afterwards, those plays are shameful to watch. With waterceus taking out eternatus and iron treads surprise ice spinner to lando pretty much set the game. (I won’t stay lando in front of treads when you know you can’t stop it from rocking. Knock and icespinner are both unbearable). While shuwri still overlooking fairyceus value, ox04 managed to set flamecharge+nastyplot on chiyu, tera flying dodging the wrong move from ting-lu being the last straw of shuwri’s lost as the flinch actually didn’t matter due to flame charge from koraidon/agility from eternatus still clean even if orge clicked ice beam.
Overall, Ox04 is the better side of the game in terms of gameplay and gameplan, and shuwri was ever chasing and the wrongly valuation of its own fairyceus cost him the game.

LBN vs Nael222
Nael was using a very low competitiveness team towards LBN simple broken spam, thus it should be easy LBN win.
The web team used by nael didn’t have very strong inner logic. Physical attacker in the team, ekiller caly-I and urshifu doesn’t have strong synergy as they really don’t share same check. Landours-I is a fraud in the current meta and you just want to use groundy for a ground type attacker compared to the ball-cutting movepool of landorus. The landorus also gives free defog to giratina so effectively nael is playing 4 vs 6 and as nael was not able to outtrading a boots miraidon, he quickly forfeited when he finally needs to go landorus and invited giratina’s defog.
I hope I have this kind of mu every week lmao.

Mimikyu Stardust vs Sanv (Qiyu5)

Typical sanv team with extra dark for calyrex and full twave team kek. Mimikyu’s team is solely trying to mu fish sanv as you can see later, which it is almost a lost for sanv just looking at the preview, but the game ended up in a speed tie. Oh well…

Nothing special at the lead shuckle is just doing the shuckle thing, and then the 6-0 incoming weavile comes into the position. I told mimikyu thousands of times do not use sash weavile on shuckle web but unfortunately no one listened. This is basically because shuckle’s ability to prevent hazard is zero, making sash is a complete fraud item in shuckle’s web. It sd on the dark pulse locked yveltal, and kills tyranitar on switch with low kick, a specific move just for sanv for its high tyranitar and ferrothorn usage. But because of weavile’s sash, it is a roll for weavile 0HKO standard ndm with one knock. If mimikyu have life orb or expert belt for example, given triple axel all lands, sanv is basically getting 6-0 by weavile. Nonetheless mimikyu decided to switch out (where I think I stay, 50% is not bad at all) and decided to give yvetal’s hp to eat a move from ndm and allowing rocks from sanv. This is ultra big choke from mimikyu side as now he is risking scarf calyrex speed crapping all his team. He managed to flinch sanv’s yveltal with rockside, killing yveltal to free the route for his own calyrex. Sanv however, make another choke on the turn yveltal go down as he decided to go his scarf calyrex. Please be noted that calyrex can’t 0HKO any of the mon mimikyu has except caly, and it is even a speedtie if mimikyu do decide to go caly, as the result mimikyu weavile was able to drain another sack from sanv. The triple axel miss leaves the last hope for sanv to win the speedtie, but fortunately this time my teammate won that tie and the game.
TBH, although this is a win, it is really a shame for mimikyu that he was forced to gamble on the tie with this kind of mu advantage. but personally, I think it is understandable as mimikyu is not ubers main and maybe it is just too harsh for him to be able to illustrate a full picture of a uber game.

Skimmythegod vs robjr
After last week heart breaking lost, skimmy finally found this timer and was able to plan the play like an expert.
On preview it is a zong balance vs dual primal balance, it should be an advantageous mu to skimmy but probably the lead is not very optimal. oras rule: when you can lead porge, lead it. Same as ss rule no1, it forced at certain mon to be up against you, and you just naturally gain advantages by doing so. On top of that, as primal orge generally is more unwallable, it is more favourable to porge to come in early, unlike pdon, who basically always want to stay behind until the team needs him, and forcing it on the field in early game is definitely fruitful.
Nonetheless, robjr didn’t go dark void immediately, instead it went for a substitute and miss dark void on the scarf xerneas switchin, and skimmy beautifully read the zone and put his giratina in the position. (Though I am in doubt here as doubling orge maybe a better choice tbh as I said above.) skimmy spammed some twave luring the rocks and the switch, and he clicked a goat draco to remove the biggest threat namely darkrai. With iron defense steelceus, the earthquake-less ekiller from robjr became a deadweight. After giratina managed to defog the rocks, skimmy successfully make mence into the position safely. However, as skimmy still didn’t put its rock, the double intimidate is quite annoying to face for skimmy as it may end giving robjr mence free DD. The game actually did go that way, but as robjr was greedy to dd again, skimmy managed to phase mence and successfully put rocks limiting robjr mence, so that scarf xerneas was able to clean the pathway for the iron defence steelceus to win the remaining ground-attacker-missing team. The early draco pretty much set the tone of the game, but skiimmy may have done better on the double intimidate play by robjr, such as attacking mence instead of attacking lando as mence placed a larger threat than landorus-T.


Inder (Captain ICVR) vs Lunala (Aniki)
Again, as the author had some built-in trust with inder, I didn’t involve much into his SV preparation and eventually leaded to this disaster where inder brought no SV Box legends with a modest fluttermane, leaving his team open against miraidon and chienpao once zacian gone, and his team is overall passive which also means inder is heavily relying on zacian to revenge as well. But on the other hand, as lunala also lacking speak control besides chien-pao’s priority, lunala is also super weak to zacian. No poison type was brought by both sides so the toxic spikes mu was negligible.
Inder was super aggressive at the beginning of the game, forcing lunala’s tera on ting-lu on turn 4 to try to phase zacian. I don’t really agree with inder clicking playrough here as lunala was just too obvious to tera in this turn as he literally brings ting-lu on corvi’s ut after seeing zacian sd. Lunala was lucky to see a giratina dragged out, so that ting-lu was able to put a layer of spikes which is huge to inder’s team as chien-pao started looking very scary for inder given zacian’s first attempt was gone. Inder trying to switch aggressively with zacian but failing to do so and basically sack waterceus for free by doing so. Without waterceus and zacian being too low thanks to aggressive switching, a sweep to inder is basically one sd away from chienpao, let alone the unstoppable fairyceus as well. With all set up mon, speed control and intimitater are all gone, inder quickly forfeited the game 1 which probably was unexpected to every one of us.



I don’t know what to say, lunala just got 6-0 by specs orge

Lunala’s team is like stallish, but also lacking an instant powerhouse with the structure of yen. I mean if you decide to play passive or stall, you really should drop yen and go for the traditional blissey/tyranitar/pex core instead of yen, or audino shedinja to name a variation.

Trying to stall with a yen structure basically is asking to get fucked by groudon / kyorge and you see what inder brought in the team.


I bearly know anything of USM and I don’t want to comment inder’s meme team.
Kekkker vs TPP
^ team and I won’t use it again anyway so whatever.
The match up was pretty disaster. TPP is using a stall so basculegion is too fast that ting- lu, dondozo toxapex and NACL are all faster than it in trick room. But if this fairyceus has wisp, I will need trick room for basculegion to not get wisp which contradicting the thing I said above. I spent 3 mins and I finally decided to lead ape. Several reasons for that, one is I may get a rock. Second, maybe I can try to establish a rage fist sweep instead. Third, if I see fairyceus I am going to final gambit the shit out of it to make basculegion free. And I was happily clicking final gambit instantly and I don’t really care what makes TPP clicked recover there.
I went to caly-I and TPP instantly went dondozo which was kind of expected but that also implied that this fairyceus didn’t have wisp which was a great news to me. I was doubling with cresselia and caly-I to try to illude TPP that I was trying to break with caly-I and I somehow get a turn where caly-I vs NACL in turn 5 and I was more than happy to immediately tera ground chipping NACL into aqua jet range. He went back to dondozo and clicked rest. everything is working from my perspective because now 2 of its slower mons were basically disabled. I didn’t expect hatterene got owned by an assault vest toxapex at all (turn out that didn’t matter) but anyone now 150 bp last respect was approaching. Here TPP made the worst choke of this game which was staying ting-lu and let wave crash landed in its face. He probably didn’t know that basculegion is faster than ting-lu even in minimal speed and he basically inherently thought that a trick room team should be slower than every normal mons. He’s wrong and he paid huge price for the misjudgment. With the biggest threat was gone, the rest of the game was just clicking. I went cress, set TR, and revive basculegion health, claim two heads in Trick room, take a judgment to kill fairyceus, TPP sleep talk picking the wrong move and the game is basically over.
What tpp can do better? Besides “not choke tinglu”, maybe it should keep dondozo at the end because when I eventually need to trick room to prevent giratina wisp, dondozo will be in advantage to punish me under trick room by cursing faster. Anyway gg.

Shuwri vs Cam
gothitelle vs vert HO so 5 vs 6 basically …or not
truth to be told, cam did a great job against this horrible mu. He successfully breaks balloon on miraidon in the early game and thus was maintaining the pace in the early game, forced shuwri to trade rocks and give up sneasler, making annihilape best value out of it. Shuwri was way behind Cam, and he probably noticed that and trying to gain back some pace by staying lando in front of eternatus, which he may thought this etern was coming for tspikes but that result in a free draco claiming lando’s life. But this also gives a free DD for shuwri’s groundy as well, which lead to a forced tera from Cam side on Goth to trade groundy. For some reasons, after shuwri killed goth with its miraidon, Cam decided to go landorus instead of Zacian (though it still need to win speed tie anyway but the chance would be better) and killing miraidon with Earthquake, giving the room for shuwri’s Zacian to tera flying and SD. Cam sacked eternatus and trying to chip zacian by giga impact but that missed, which means Cam Zacian can’t even go for a speed tie now and if Shuwri’s zacian hits all he wins. Well the luck is balanced out here as Shuwri also missed playrough against miraidon, and the game come down to fallen:5 gambit vs electric seed miraidon and turnout that’s a slightly favourable roll for shuwri with 1 kowtow+1 sucker.
Shuwri was basically doing no brain mode in the early turns and wasted the advantage of balloon against landorus in very early game, which I think that’s almost costed Shuwri game if Cam did not make the choke on going landorus instead of Zacian. I would say both sides did bad and make the game down to complete RNG but overall Cam was the one who play better. It is just one choke from Cam and tera just make that choke into critical. Sad story.

LBN vs Nyx
heatran into… no koraidon and no eternatus
the game was robbing from LBN side. Nyx trying to chip groudon early which is understandable and reasonable as well as you will see later, but lbn’s wtf-lava plume almost put himself into zacian 6-0. Luckily nyx somehow clicked close combat for maybe a possible heatran switch in or maybe a tera from groudon(his team doesn’t care about heatran at all so I don’t know) which makes chien-pao able to finish zacian with band ice shard. Palkia then showed what it can do which is 2hko arceus and somehow nyx did not trust hydro pump accuracy or maybe he didn’t bring it at all, decided to go miraidon instead of hydro killing hatterene which was also fine. But then with hatterene still alive, nyx somehow went to ting-lu and clicked spikes… is he ok? Nonetheless nyx advantage was big even with the spikes because he has swordsdance groudon which basically just force trading and eventually this poisonceus would have won the game, and unfortunately nyx missed the pblade on etern and now nyx paid his price on clicking spikes because now eternatus Dcannon and hatterene with tera were pretty sweeping with etern ate specs draco with the help of haban berry and put miraidon basically dead meat. Nyx then allowing hatterene to calm mind twice, leading to a uncontrollable scenario for him, as ting-lu actually may win the endgame if he switched to poisonceus immediately when LBN went hat. Notheless, the poisonceus revealed to be DD physical, and for some reason lbn did not just kill it directly, instead he used nuzzle, which was very dangerous as if nyx clicked dd and land gunk shot afterwards, LBN would have to sac eternatus to chip it and try to finish DD poisonceus with chien-pao, where even if lbn successfully do so, a correct tera from palkia would have end the game. Luckily, nyx did not click DD as well, so all good and eternatus just sweep after chien-pao chipped poisonceus into Dcannon range.

Not a very good game to review ngl.

Skimmy vs ninjadog
Skimmy prep was perfect this round. All mon from ninjadog skimmy has a counter to it lol. Ninja tries to catch hazard lead with magic coat ceus and that result in a free gengar mega turn and he went to yveltal on gengar which was immediately getting punished by rockceus from skimmy and let its magic coat ekiller ate wisp. Ninja’s double to ditto was aiming for a scout probably but that also got punished by skimmy going to gengar where a protect ruins ditto’s life and allowing skimmy’s pdon to set rocks and the game was pretty done at this point. Ninija trying to overload skimmy’s latios by doubling but ninja eventually outplayed himself and allowed klefki to be free and clicked toxic which landed ninja’s pdon. The rest of the game was just routine to skimmy as skimmy team just 1v1 everything against ninja’s team and yeah not much more need to say.
Entrocefalo vs Terra the creator (Terracotta)
This week was quite a critical week as if we lost, we may not get to finals. I was also recovered from COVID as well, so we did quite an extensive preparation against tera, who was known as a super cteaming addiction. As around week 6 entro just finished his ubers open finals where he was famed about spamming groundy a lot (yes, my fault), we were expecting a grassceus and as entro low usage on breaker koraidon, we were also trying out possibilities on koraidon sets as well, and we finally come up with a idea of either 1. cyclizar stall breaker or 2. Surprise caly I trick breaker and we finally chose the second idea, and here is what happened:

I mean by preview the MU looks absolutely fine to tera as mane looks good late game and grassceus on groundy pex on korai caly as well, but that trick basically sets the tone of the game where tera had close to zero chance to win if entro played carefully. Too many ways for entro to win with toxapex get tricked, but entro was not focusing so he played a bit risky and end up in a CM war on both ceus, which entro freeze grassceus and cleaned the rest. The prep went way too perfect which left nothing to say about the game lol.

Shuwri vs Xrn

Grassceus balance again from mukkers. Shuwri was using a zero zacian resist and xrn was using ekiller/gambit weak team as well, but luckily, they did not meet what they were weak for. And both team did not switch into band chien pao as well so basically the game would be foreseeably a race on pace, but in general xrn will be a little bit better because of corviknight pivoting fairyceus better than shuwri pivoting grassknot.
Though being said, xrn seems to be not very consistent on the positioning and put skeledirge too early in front of fairyceus, allowing rocks and inviting an early orge+pao combo from shuwri side, invalidating corviknight, the mu advantage of xrn, in very early game, and was somehow forced to trade hp and hazard with ting-lu, which open up shuwri’s miraidon in late game. As you can see, a mistake from xrn really tune the game heavily against him within the first 5 turns. What he could do better is to play in a utilitarianism way. Yes skeledirge can pivot fairyceus most of the time, but what you want to pivot it is to minimize the damage it could make, and while skeledirge can stop fairyceus it can’t really do much back to shuwri by the mu, especially in an early game, you don’t really want to be conservative given the mu is heavily based on chien-pao performance of both side. Anyway, xrn gave up his hazard controller and hazard setter as well, and xrn paid so many price but he couldn’t save a layer of spikes by the turn he switched out ting, and again xrn did not trying to revive corviknight on fairyceus switch into grassceus basically set the game as now shuwri would win chienpao trading war as he set rocks and it was basically impossible for xrn to defog from the moment, and the game was pretty much done by the moment xrn allowed free rocks.
SV is a relatively heavy hazard environment that is very close to BW imo. Yes, both meta has hazard removal options but that’s with a huge price of losing a lot of rhythm and the game often down to rhythm control assuming hazards is unremovable, so xrn paid his price on this game to be way too conservative in the early stage.

Kekkker vs Manaphy

by smogon user Mr. Manaphy
Me after reading: 100% TRIGGERRED.

Yes, this is basically Giannis HO he mainly using during opens final. I know manaphy loves fat besides his HO usage during upl, and I also know how I am rated as a player so I am 100% sure manaphy would just play fat team as that’s fitting the most of his style. I started band korai as Giannis always did, dclawing scarf lando for 71% for rocks was fine as I really don’t care about rocks against a passive team like this, and then I just confidently switched to ek and forced him to trade hp with me from Turn 3, and I successfully shut down his skeledirge completely which open up my tera flying zacian chance. The mid game flareblitz was a roll depends on his eternatus evs so I will take the roll anyway as I am playing zacy sweep if not then kingambit sweep already at this stage. I played wrong by keeping lando off the field on turn 15, which ALMOST costed me the game because manaphy’s fairyceus is a 307 speed one which means this is super bulky ceus, and my miraidon wouldn’t be able to go pass it as the tera type of it didn’t resist judgment. So I go for the only route to win which was zacian outsmart him completely by teraflying dodging both earth power and tera steel from fairyceus, behemoth first then wildcharge to prevent recoil damage and maximize damage output, and then forced his miraidon on field clicking either draco or overheat, and my kingambit just sweep the entire team of his with a very favourable roll to me on ting-lu.
Again the prep was pretty perfect but I could have done better to win the game much more cleaner. This is my issue on game play, and you will see it again in my semi vs ox as well.
Kekkker vs ox04
Overall, ox team often run a lot scarfer mon, that’s why by preview I am almost certain this is scarf eternatus and he will most likely lead it. The mu is not bad too. Besides Ox bringing too much speed control, my tusk and gambit are both in good shape against his physical overloading, and support groundy may also clean the late game as well. Based on that, I lead koraidon purposely for two reasons. One, is to counter lead possible samu (just for safe measure). Second is, I can “scout” immediately his eternatus item and give ox hints “this is a slow koraidon” if he lead eternatus, then I can do outsmart things, and that’s how turn 1 goes:

The game is pretty much settled from this turn. Ox is doing all these early predictions because he has this habit to abuse others habit on playing “safe” on the early stage. But again, habit is always harmful as I said before especially against player knowing you very very well. Reasonably speaking, when you know a lot of your opponent due to you played a lot against your opp before, it should be the same vice versa. But ox basically doesn’t show any so he paid his price for his disrespect on opponent preparation. But on the other hand, I played way too conservative after the huge start. I carelessly clicked 2nd judgment on turn 4 which missed me a free kill on his doubling Lando if I click ice beam to take out samu. On turn 7, as my +spe great tusk with bulk up is very close to sweeping, I didn’t tera fire immediately against zacian and missed an early chance to settle the game because by great tusk can bulk up and ox will need at least 2 mons sacking against it, and I just can’t lose with scarf korai still alive. At the end, I make a prediction on switch on turn 15 as this is 0% a scarf korai, teraing and SD in front of lando, and was lucky enough to sweep ox with a high enough roll on Ox’s landorus. I could have played the game in a more professional way to win much cleaner but oh well habit is hard to overcome lol. Big advantage = play conservative is a habit we all have and will need to overcome lol.

Entrocefalo vs Darkshion

Counter Gren lead HO vs sunnyday balance
The counter gren is pretty much a known tech so entro just flamecharge T1 which if it doesn’t crit, +1 speed koraidon could probably just sweep the game. But all in all, darkshion still almost throw his lead completely and make its only ground type down to fartable and he just did not have any sense of keeping it, which directly lead to getting outtraded by scarf miraidon in the late game. Nothing more to say, the lead situation basically set the tone of the game completely. Darkshion should be seriously consider counter lead this game, instead of leading regularly.

Inder vs Taka

This is the game where inder has the biggest argue with me throughout the whole upl. Looking at the mu, boots orge and agility bascu are looking really good but early hazard is needed to disable ting-lu.
Inder again showed how good he is on play in the early turns, which basically demolished taka’s half team by just leading orge and clicking all the correct move. However, on turn 5 he gets a super robbing freeze which just lifted all pressure of orge to taka’s team. Inder’s quickly change the plan to hazard stacking with ting and lando. And trying to win with scarf enamorus. Inder’s plan to win with scarf enamorus was reasonable because what he need is just a choice miraidon. If I am inder, I won’t even kill fluttermane there. I will probably healing wish there and revive kyorge, and then basculegion with tera is still extremely winnable there as taka’s koraidon can’t come back anymore. Again, inder take a reasonable path to gamble and unfortunately, he met the worst case scenario.


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DAHLI vs Shuwri

View attachment 552582
DAHLI wins with ease in this game by using superior and modern sets comparing to shuwri. Speedy taunt tinglu is a huge pain for shuwri’s team as his defogger is giratina-O, which I said in the past weeks it is never winning hazard war against ting. Besides, shuwri team is weak to calm mind fairyceus by the preview as well. Throughout the game dahli is just super free to setup as many hazards as he wanted and all sets including solarbeam mirai and taunt cm fairyceus just beat shuwri completely on the supposing mu. honestly speaking, at the point dahli entered miraidon the game should be long gone for shuwri if this is agility miraidon (which I think this should be the only way of using solar beam miraidon). Anyway, this is basically a superior prep from Dahli side and shuwri just lose by default.

Frito vs Inder

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Before the game I am strongly opposed to flutter mane. This mon is good against offense but generally not doing good against a make-sense balance. In SV ubers, when you decide to use a special attacker not named miraidon, you should have 100 solid reasons for that. You can see frito’s team is completely open for miraidon (especially electric seed DD or solar beam). I assume frito brought this team because inder really don’t like miraidon lol. The game was pretty expected: inder want to make use of his specs mane given frito whole team has no fairy resist but well… this is final man. You should be more careful and easily deduced that either kyogre or groudon will be spdef lmao, anyway he gave his mane on turn 2 for 70% of groudon’s hp. (calculate the damage of UT you should know this don bulk too.) same for frito, while also giving his mane on turn 5 just to chip steelceus. Though both flutter mane die in the first 5 turns of the game, I doubted that frito’s play is not very reasonable there. Your entire team is matchup steelceus supereffectively, why just waste flutter mane here? Moonblast is doing 19% (951.5/2 ~=70bp) so you can quickly workout mystical fire (752*1.5=225bp ~ 3 times of moonblast damage ~ 60% hp) damage is not killing there.
Given how frito team is so one-way orientated, inder’s scarf korai is likely to be sweeping. Unfortunately, inder makes a mistake of clicking toxic on frito’s switch to rayquaza. If he calmly clicks recover then toxic, frito will have much less chance in this game, and the toxic caused inder to throw his toxapex too. Now the situation is very hard to inder on turn 9, where he has no dragon resist if not tera, and what frito needs to do is just putting koraidon as fast as possible and chip inder’s koraidon as fast as possible too. Frito makes an error on turn 10 where he clicked CM, (should just judgment /icebeam instead), and not going into koraidon immediately after inder switched into tinglu. Allowing inder to set up spikes means now frito loses the advantage on number of heads, and inder’s perfect rotation makes the game revert to his side after turn 17 where frito simply let groudon die (why not just hard groundy as you eventually need to do so to save groudon for later use??). Now frito must aim for groundy cm trying to icebeam through a tera steel giratinaO before recover ran out, and inder’s crit eventually speed up the process and finally with inder’s extra evs on koraidon, he lives a lowkick and revenge the standard jolly koraidon.
I am not very fine on the team choice of both side tbh. On frito side, he is using a setup groundy but no support to chip giratina or to make use of it besides flutter mane which he threw it at T5. No stealth rock as well in the team too. If I am frito, I would probably make use of orge (if this is a choice orge) at the beginning of the game instead of sending it in the very late game where he just lose hazard control after all his tinglu-threatening mon are gone.
On inder side, the toxic is really idk and I am sure he is awared of that too after the game. The fluttermane gift on turn 2 is basically unaware atall. Other than that, he played very very well in the late game and his play is the only reason he could win the disaster situation in late game. GG.

Entrocefalo vs guard

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Another entro out-preping opponent game lol. Guard using a traditional 3+3 team vs entro bulky offense. The mu is looking fine for both side but probably guard will face more pressure as entro possible triple physical overlord may outrun lando+steelceus quickly and kyorge generally mu well against most of guard’s team. btw guards team is ultra weak to ice beam / gravity groundy so I think this is also part of the strategy as they may bet entro won’t bring the same trick again.
The lead is lando vs orge. Guard makes a little choke there as by the ability time lando is faster so he should click UT. Anyway, he directly goes to koraidon and take a huge hit from ice beam. The damage probably gave guard an illusion on kyogre’s item as this is a full spa ice beam damage, so on turn 3 when both side doubles, guard thinks entro is impossible to bring two scarfs, and stayed mirai infront of scarf lando. To this point entro is basically winning because all breaking mons from guard is down to fartable and not hazard control from guard side means eventually ekiller and orge will win the game. Guard thought he has chance and successfully set all layers of hazard but at the point entro reveals boots on orge the game is over. With the threat of scarf lando guard are forced to click outrage, but stealth rock makes its korai can only come once more and that means guard loses weather control. With entro keeping scarf lando for steelceus and tera fairy to lock koraidon, entro secure his win beautifully. Gg

Gondra vs Aberforth

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… no fairyceus switchin, are you serious aber you are one step away from getting 6-0 by cm stored power fairyceus
Notheless the typical ting vs gira happens again. But gondra is a super player he knows the mu is bad and go straight to tusk which is a very good play. Aber doesn’t have a spin blocker as well so at this point the situation is superhard for him and aber decided to make a gamble position with miraidon vs koraidon just clicked dclaw instead of going fairyceus. He succeed to click a CM and then tera grass solarbeam…(again I am not cm solar beam fans for one second)
Again gondra is somehow aware of that and correctly sack giraO , what a god play there, and with aber did not aware of scarf tusk, mirai just die to scarf CC which pretty much set the tone of the game. Tbh, with gondra still have a toxapex, miraidon still has chances to do more instead of dying for a possible scarf but oh well I am commenting on a kibitzer aspect too so yeah won’t go too deep on the stay. Without tera, taunt cm fairyceus can’t even outlast toxapex and with fairyceus+tusk+pex+katekeeper korai, aberforth can never breaks at the point miraidon is down, gg.
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